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Nowadays ,thr ar mor and mor XX in som big citis . It is stimatd that ( 1 ).

Why hav thr bn so many XX ? Mayb th rasons can b listd as follows.

Th first on is that ( 2 ) .Bsids,( 3 ) . Th third rason is ( 4 ).

To sum up ,th main caus of XX is du to ( 5 ) .

It is high tim that somthing wr don upon it. For on thing ,( 6 ).

On th othr hand ,( 7 ). All ths masurs will crtainly rduc th numbr of XX .









Gnration gap btwn parnts and childrn

Nowadays , thr ar mor and mor misundrstanding btwn parnts and childrn which is so- calld gnration gap . It is stimatd that (75 prcntags of parnts oftn complain thir childrn's unrasonabl bhavior whil childrn usually think thir parnts too old fashiond).

Why hav thr bn so much misundrstanding btwn parnts and childrn?

Mayb th rasons can b listd as follows . Th first on is that ( th two gnrations, having grown up at diffrnt tims, hav diffrnt liks and disliks ,thus th disagrmnt oftn riss btwn thm) . Bsids(du to having littl in common to talk about , thy ar not willing to sit fac to fac ) . Th third rason is (with th pac of modrn lif bcoming fastr and fastr , both of thm ar so busy with thir work or study that thy don/'t spar nough tim to xchang idas ).To sum up ,th main caus of XX is du to ( lak of communication and undrstanding ach othr) .

It is high tim that somthing wr don upon it. For on thing (childrn should

rspct thir parnts ).On th othr hand ,( parnts also should show solicitu for

thir childrn). All ths masurs will crtainly bridg th gnration gap .



 In rcnt yars , xx has causd a hatd dbat on ( 1 ).  Th factors for ( 2 ) .First of all ,( 3 ).Thn , thr coms a cas that ( 4 ). Morovr , ( 5 ) . spcially whn ( 6 ) .Indd, ths uniqu points can b collctd tho rmind popl that ( 7 ).In this way ,w should bhav just lik ( 8 ).

Th impact of Tlvision

 In rcnt yars , with th dvlopmnt of scinc and tchnology ,80 prcnt of all homs in China hav satllit TV , offring as many as 50 channls .It has causd a hatd dbat on (th impact of tlvision on childrn ). Many parnts ar worrid about th impact of so much tlvision on childrn. Th factors for (parnts' worry is that childrn ar indulg in tlvision and spnd too much tim on it .) .First of all ,(with so many programs to choos from , childrn ar not gtting as much xrcis as thy should ).Thn , thr coms a cas that ( som studis hav show that xcssiv watching of tlvision by millions of childrn has lowrd thir ability to achiv in school ). Morovr , ( th ffct on childrn/'s minds ar mor srious than th ffct on childrn/'s bodis ) . spcially whn ( th childrn ar too small to judg what programs ar suit to thm ) . Indd, ths uniqu points can b connctd to rmind parnts that ( thy should pay clos attntion to and rsponsibilitis for suprvising thir childrn/'s TV viwing ).In this way ,childrn will not b influncd too dply .



 Currntly, XX has bn th ordr of th day .This dos dmonstrat th thory --- nothing is mor valuabl than XX . It is clar that (1). If you (2), as a rsult , your drams will com tru . On th contrary, if you (3). Failur will b following with you .It turns out that all your plan falls through . No on can dny anothr fact that (4) .You don't hav to look vry far to find out th truth , in rspct that w all know (5). It will xrt a profound influnc upon (6).

 With rfrnc to my standpoint ,I think (7).



2: 支持XX的做法





Th importanc of slf-confidnc

 Currntly, slf-confidnc has bn th ordr of th day . This dos dmonstrat th thory --- nothing is mor valuabl than slf-confidnc.

 It is clar that (slf-confidnc mans trust in on's abilitis). If you (ar full of slf-confidnc ,it will bring your crativ powr to play , arous your nthusiasm for work, and hlp you ovrcom difficultis ), as a rsult , your drams will com tru .On th contrary, if you ( hav no confidnc in yourslf, thr is littl possibility that you would vr achiv anything ). Failur will b following with you。It turns out that all your plan falls through .

 No on can dny anothr fact that (slf-confidnc givs you light whn you ar in dark and ncouragmnt whn you ar dismayd) .

You don't hav to look vry far to find out th truth , in rspct that w all know (th scrt of Madam Curi lis in prsvranc and slf-confidnc, th lattr in particular) . It will xrt a profound influnc upon ( th achivmnt of on/'s ambitions ).

 With rfrnc to my standpoint ,I think (h that can hav slf-confidnc can hav what h will).



For most of us today ,( 1). From abov ,w can find that th rasons why (2) ar as follows.

 Th primary rason ,i think, is (3). Scond, (4). Th third rason, actually, is (5). Th significanc for (6). Thrfor ,(7).










  Most of us today (rcogniz that nvironmntal pollution has bn a gratly srious problm . lots of plants trs corps ar dstroyd by bad air .many fish di of poisonous watr . thousands of popl di from ating poisond fish or brathing in gas . thrfor , nvironmntal pollution should b rsponsibl for ths disass that ar disabling ,or bringing dath not only to human bings , but also to wild lif .) From abov ,w can find that th rasons why (nvironmnt ar pollutd mor and mor sriously) ar as follows. Th primary rason ,I think , is (th rason of harmful substancs into nvironmnt . for xampl ,to prvnt inscts ,farmrs mak us of grat amounts of inscticids, so as to hav bumpr harvsts . howvr ,thy pollut air ,watr and land ). scond,(th gas coming from th car ngins and factoris also mak

nvironmnt pollutd badly ). Th third rason actually is (th rsult of a growing population in

th world . vryday , so much littr and wast ar pourd out from houss ,also pollut th nvironmnt ). Th significanc for (controlling pollution ) notd that it's high tim that mor ffctiv masurs should b takn .Thrfor ,(nw laws should b passd to limit th amount of pollutants from factoris . morovr ,in th housholds ,thr is an obvious nd to rduc littr and wast . lt/'s mak our good fforts ,and th world will b a safr plac to liv for us ).



Ths days w oftn har that ( 1 ). It is common that ( 2 ). Why dos such circumstanc occur in spit of social protcts? For on thing ,( 3 ). For anothr,( 4 ). What is mor, sinc ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ). To solv th problm is not asy at all ,but is worth trying .W should do somthing such as ( 7 ) to improv h prsnt situation ,and i do bliv vrything will b bttr in th futur .









pollution of nvironmnt

Ths days w oftn har that (our living conditions ar gtting mor and mor srious bcaus of th dstruction of our nvironmnt ).It is common that (many trs and animals ar nar xtinction, and th all-important food chain has bn dstroyd .).

Why dos such circumstanc occur in spit of social protcts? For on thing ,(th population of th world is incrasing so rapidly that th world has bn so crowdd. ).For anothr,(th ovrus of natural rsourcs has influncd th balanc of natural cology ). What is mor , sinc ( th industrial rvolution ) ,it is natural that (a grat numbr of factoris hav bn springing up lik mushrooms .Th smok and harmful chmicals rlasd from factoris also pollut th nvironmnt ).

To solv th problm is not asy at all ,but is worthying .W should do somthing such as (planting mor trs , quipping cars with pollution-control dvics and larning to rcycling natural rsourcs )to improv th prsnt situation ,and i do bliv vrything will b bttr in th futur .






文章一开头,就交待清楚文章的主题是什么。如“How I Spnt My Vacation”(我怎样度假)的开头是:

I Spnt my last vacation happily.


Honsty is on of th bst virtus.An honst man is always trustd and rspctd.On th contrary, on who tlls lis is rgardd as a "liar",and is lookd upon by honst popl.


在文章的开头,先把人物、事件和环境交待清楚。例如"A Trip to Jinshan" (去金山旅游)的开头:

Th day bfor ystrday my class wnt on a bus trip to Jinshan. Th bus rid thr took thr hours. Th long trip mad us vry tird, but th sight of th bautiful sa rfrshd us.

3. 回忆性的开头

用回忆的方法来开头。例如"A Trip to th Taishan Mountain"(泰山游)的开头是:

I rmmbr my first trip to th Taishan Mountain as if it wr ystrday.


即对要在文章中叙述的人或事先作一个概括性的介绍。如“Th Happinss of Rading Books”(读书的快乐)的开头:

Popl oftn say that gold and silvr ar th most valuabl things in th world. But I say that to rad books is mor valuabl than anything ls, bcaus books giv us knowldg and knowldg givs us powr.


即开头利用自然景物或自然环境引出要介绍的事物。如“An Accidnt”(一场事故)的开头是:

It was a rainy and windy morning. Th sky was gloomy, th tmpratur was low, and th strt was narly mpty. I was on my way back to school. Suddnly, a spding car cam round th cornr.


在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要表扬谁,批评谁,或说明一个什么问题等。如 "Pollution Control" (控制污染)的开头:

In this articl I shall draw your attntion to th subjct of pollution control.


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