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我的考试体验(My Experience in Examination)
 更新时间:2024-04-24 17:13:49

我的考试体验(My xprinc in xamination)in my ophfion, xaminations ar on of th important activitis in school lif. i hav gon through all sorts of xamations sinc my primary school i hav tastd th flavor of happinss and sadnss.bfor xaminations, i always hav a hard tim and don't know what to do. during xaminations i fl nrvous and somtims my mind bcoms blank. only aftr xaninations dos th world sm to b bright again and am i brimming with vigor. w oftn complain that our tachrs mak troubl for us on purpos. but it is not tru. th fact is that xaminations ar just a way to hlp us do bttr in our study.“我的考试体验”英语作文译文:我认为考试是学生生涯的重要活动之一。从上小学起,我经历了各种各样的考试,体验了考试的酸甜苦辣。考试前我觉得时间难耐,无所适从。考试时心情紧张,有时大脑一片空白。只有考试后,我才觉得世界又充满了光明,我又恢复了活力。我们常常抱怨老师故意为难我们,但事实上并非如此。考试只是帮助我们更好学习的一种方法。

我的考试体验(My Experience in Examination)


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